
TEF-Health – News & Publications


SME Survey

If you are an SME working with health-related AI or robotics, complete this survey about your service requirements.

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Postdoctoral Position in AI for Medical Imaging & Bioinformatics in Sweden

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Sichere KI im europäischen Gesundheitssystem

von Ina Bierfreund, Tagesspiegel - 21.2.2024

Um mit KI und Robotik in Testinfrastrukturen experimentieren zu können, fördert die EU vier Projekte – so auch das Reallabor TEF-Health für das Gesundheitswesen. Die Leiterin Petra Ritter hat große Pläne für das Konsortium und will etwa die Simulation von digitalen menschlichen Zwillingen ermöglichen.

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Explore Precision Medicine

The interactive digital brain atlas will be featured and will invite you to explore the complexities of the human brain's role in precision medicine.

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SciDataCon 2023

International Data Week 2023, will unfold in Salzburg from October 23rd to 26th 2023.

Explore the latest in data science, standards, and collaboration.

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World Health Summit 2023

World Health Summit 2023, October 15th to October 17th, 2023, Berlin, Germany.

This prestigious event will gather experts from various sectors, including politics, science, the private sector, and civil society, to shape the future of global health.

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Metrics reloaded: recommendations for image analysis validation

Lena Maier-Hein, Annika Reinke, Patrick Godau, Minu D. Tizabi, Florian Buettner, Evangelia Christodoulou, Ben Glocker, Fabian Isensee, Jens Kleesiek, Michal Kozubek, Mauricio Reyes, Michael A. Riegler, Manuel Wiesenfarth, A. Emre Kavur, Carole H. Sudre, Michael Baumgartner, Matthias Eisenmann, Doreen Heckmann-Nötzel, Tim Rädsch, Laura Acion, Michela Antonelli, Tal Arbel, Spyridon Bakas, Arriel Benis, Matthew B. Blaschko, M. Jorge Cardoso, Veronika Cheplygina, Beth A. Cimini, Gary S. Collins, Keyvan Farahani, Luciana Ferrer, Adrian Galdran, Bram van Ginneken, Robert Haase, Daniel A. Hashimoto, Michael M. Hoffman, Merel Huisman, Pierre Jannin, Charles E. Kahn, Dagmar Kainmueller, Bernhard Kainz, Alexandros Karargyris, Alan Karthikesalingam, Florian Kofler, Annette Kopp-Schneider, Anna Kreshuk, Tahsin Kurc, Bennett A. Landman, Geert Litjens, Amin Madani, Klaus Maier-Hein, Anne L. Martel, Peter Mattson, Erik Meijering, Bjoern Menze, Karel G. M. Moons, Henning Müller, Brennan Nichyporuk, Felix Nickel, Jens Petersen, Nasir Rajpoot, Nicola Rieke, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Clara I. Sánchez, Shravya Shetty, Maarten van Smeden, Ronald M. Summers, Abdel A. Taha, Aleksei Tiulpin, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Ben Van Calster, Gaël Varoquaux & Paul F. Jäger. (2024)

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Lesion aware automated processing pipeline for multimodal neuroimaging stroke data and The Virtual Brain (TVB)

Patrik Bey, Kiret Dhindsa, Amrit Kashyap, Michael Schirner, Jan Feldheim, Marlene Bönstrup, Robert Schulz, Bastian Cheng, Götz Thomalla, Christian Gerloff, Petra Ritter

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The METRIC-framework for assessing data quality for trustworthy AI in medicine: a systematic review.

Schwabe, Daniel, Katinka Becker, Martin Seyferth, Andreas Klaß, and Tobias Schäffter

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Success story - First Service delivered by TEF-Health to an SME

Median Technologies - a French SME that delivers AI based radiology solutions – received the first TEF-Health service.

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